VPower Group Supports Chinese Customers with Emergency Power

04 October 2021

China is in the grip of a power crunch recently as a result of rising power demand driven by accelerated economic development, surging coal price and decreased generation capacity of coal-fired power plants. VPower Group International Holdings Limited(“VPower Group” or the “Group”, stock code: 1608.HK) supports its customers with emergency power solutions for them to maintain normal operation amid power shortfalls.


Rationing has been implemented during peak hours in a number of provinces with factories being demanded to scale down or even shut down their production in order to ease the current power supply burden. Received a large number of requests from customers, VPower Group has leveraged its competitive advantages as a fast-track distributed power solution provider to mobilise power generation systems of around 1million kilowatts for rental as emergency power. Each customer will be offered a maximum of 5,000-kilowatt power. A task force has also been established to promptly respond to customers’ enquiries.


While providing basic electricity for their production, VPower Group encourages customers to adopt energy saving measures in support of the nationwide policies.


To know more about the emergency power solutions, please email

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