Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors (the “Board”), which comprises five Executive Directors, one Non-executive Director and three Independent Non-executive Directors, occupies the highest position in the governance structure. The Board upholds its responsibility to oversee the implementation of internal controls and to protect the interests of VPower Group’s stakeholders. The Board has established an audit committee, a remuneration committee and a nomination committee overseeing different functions.

Mr. Gao Zhan
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Mr. Samson Lam
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Mr. Lu Weijun
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Mr. Li Haifeng
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Mr. Jin Jiantang
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Mr. Wong Kwok Yiu
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Mr. Suen Wai Yu
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Dr. Wang Zheng
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Dr. Lin Tun
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Click Here to download the list of directors and their roles and functions
Second Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association (Revised)
Terms of Reference
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Audit Committee
Nomination Committee
Remuneration Committee
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Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a Director of the Company
Shareholders Communication Policy
Board Diversity Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
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